A Day For Mothers: Happy Mothers Day

This is a huge world.

So, to be realistic, everyone is not fond of or gets along with their parents.

A lot of people wish they were born to different mothers and fathers other than their biological ones.

There are even foster parents who are hated from the way they may have treated adopted children or strongly disliked for their unpleasant or arguably inappropriate character or dispositions.

Consequently, many will not be personally celebrating or wishing their mothers or the women who raised them a happy Mother’s Day today.

On the other side of things, those who do have affection, love, care and appreciation for the women who gave birth to them and/or raised them is a day of many celebratory days to acknowledge and to show gratitude to one of the most special, important people in their lives- their one and only incredible mother.


Cozy Spots


I love cozy spots whether at home or out and about.

When I would dine out at cafés or restaurants where the ambience of pleasant comfy warmth and relaxation set the mood, I sat in snug yet roomy booths or high chairs/stools over by the window of scenery in the dim-lit of the room.

It is awesome to enjoy a great meal in a delightful feel of satisfaction.




In A Dark Place?


A lot of people are in a dark place where they feel there is no hope.

They desperately want a way out of their perceived condition of doom or despair.

I do not know everyone’s troubles or struggles, and I have not walked in everyone’s shoes.

Though I do know from experience that when a door closes a window opens to those who believe and let go of what does not matter to welcome in a higher source of power.

Do not put energy into what is out of one’s control. Give energy to the one who controls all things.

Sit back, relax, and allow God to do what he promised to do.








Some Food For Thought🥣


I was not born into a vegan or vegetarian life. I became one as a preteen, so I know how it was to sink my teeth into some crispy, greasy, delicious-tasting fried chicken.

I loved smoked turkey wings too!

There are many people who love to eat bacon or pork chops.

There are many who love to eat hamburgers, steaks, and meatloaf.

However, while people are loving their meat and poultry meals the chickens, pigs, cows, bulls and all other edible livestock are not as thrilled to be slaughtered, bloodied, and butchered just to be roasted and cooked only to end up on someone else’s plate then shifted/shitted out of their asshole.

I am sure these animals do not want to feel or go through the torture and brutality of their kill.

If the tables were turned, I am sure none of us humans would like to be slaughtered and butchered, then fed to the animals as a normal practice of supplying food to them.

The animals probably wish they could live their lives in harmony with us humans without having to ever worry about serving a purpose to be murdered.

The animals would rationalize and recommend to us humans to love them, leave them alone, and eat some bread instead!


Play That Record For Me


Oh, were the days back in the day when we blew the dust off the turntable needles.

When we rubbed alcohol on the track of vinyl record surfaces to remove or smooth out scratches that made the records skip.

How we would lay down or sit in relaxation tuned into the mellow songs or thumping beats, taking in lyrics of meaningful, artistic, and playful music.

Such a calm and effervescent moment in times.

Unsolved Mysteries


Down memory lane: I remember season 5 episode 2 at Lake Champlain with “Champ” the sea monster. However, I know that I saw another episode of Unsolved Mysteries regarding this same or similar sea creature it was season 8 episode 6 featuring the title BC sea monster.

My mother and I used to love watching the television program series Unsolved Mysteries that first begin to air in the 1980’s hosted by Robert Stack.

There was even an actual neighbor of mine on the block where I grew up on who was featured/depicted/reenacted on the show and who was also one of America’s ten most wanted fugitives as he had disgustingly raped a woman who was kind to him.

Anyhow, one creepy episode that stood out particularly was one about the sea creature/monster.

Of course, we cannot believe everything that we see or hear about on TV, but we never know what is possible, especially when sighted among those who know they witnessed something to the eye even if it may have been unexplainable.

It was called a “Caddy” (cadborosaurus).

Some speculated the image was just the humpback of other unidentified sea mammals partially viewed from the waters.

Others claimed the mysterious serpent- looking creature that was photographed is a hoax.

Then there are a variety of people who are sure they have seen this Cadborosaurus with a camel-like head, snake-like body and strange appearing tail.

Whatever the case may be it was an interesting tale and an episode that I spookily enjoyed watching.


Sow A Good Seed And Reap A Bountiful Harvest


Life is not always fair, and it is not promised to be on this God forsaken earth.

Bad things sometimes happen to good people and good things happen to bad people.

Some things that happen are beyond our control and are not caused by any fault of our own but by chance or by the imperfections of a fallen world that for the present cannot be helped such as illness, disease, greed, poverty, destruction and so on.

Nevertheless, people should be careful to live a life that does not involve going around to intentionally do dirt toward others.

Why create unnecessary conflict or harm to those who are not bothering anyone?

There is nothing wrong with people who stand up for themselves and who seek out justice in a decent way.

The evil people do or did when they were younger can come back to bite them harshly when they get older.

Watch what you do because what you do may eventually come back to you!




Flirting With Foolishness


I do not understand people who let other people scam them on these dating sites over the internet.

Why give someone you hardly know, may have never met in person all your attention, personal business, then eventually the contents of your wallet to never hear from them again?

Why hand over thousands of dollars to a stranger that you got engaged to or assumed a romantic relationship with over the internet?

People shoot and display fake photos all the time as well as deceiving video footage.

I would not give or loan certain amounts of money to people I do know or have known for years let alone someone I barely know without concrete bearing.

Then later these people- mostly women- are on television complaining about how they got taken advantage of.

I understand some who take risks with people in general out of kindness and concern and in some situations the circumstance may have worked out legitimately well.

However, do not be anyone’s fool out of desperation for a false love connection!


Happy Hair Day!


There are all types of hairdos from plaited hair to dyed and fried hair.

Some prefer the bald or crew cut- whatever satisfies one’s fancy at any given time.

Certain hairstyles in general bring out a person’s unique style of beauty or distinction within their variety of facial features.

Some styles can even make a person unrecognizable in appearance from what others were previously used to seeing.

It is fun or fashionable to frequently change one’s style of hair or to keep it within the same.

Hair does as hair goes so get out of everyone else’s hair and mind one’s own 

Munching In March 🍎🥕🥛


Aside from March being Women’s history month it is also national nutrition month.

Are you treating your body good?

We are what we eat and what we eat becomes a part of what we are.

We do not want to be a garbage disposal full of toxic waste.

It is more appropriate for us to act as purifiers constantly detoxifying.

It is okay to eat on the wild side occasionally. Aside from that, toss out the junk food and put in the foods of valuable nutrition.


Baby’s Mommy Got Body!


My mother acknowledged to me a long time ago that her wardrobe was not restricted to maternity clothes when she was pregnant with me back in the 1970’s.

My mother was a fashion queen who was very stylish. She wore fancy as well as casual clothing with her own originality and sharpness.

Yes! For pregnant women- they do not have to compromise fashion. They can continue to wear what they want in sizes to accommodate their baby bump and/or extra complimentary weight gain.

So go catch a hot sale to show off those beautiful, pregnant, sexy bodies!


On Valentines


I am not one to have ever celebrated Valentines Day.

I was never fond of the fairytale or myth of cupid striking the affections of others through his famous bow and arrow.

True love is celebrated everyday among those who count in our lives.

So, though, St Valentines day is a mention on the calendar for sweet chocolates, romantic roses, and sentimental cards- this day does not have to be restricted to lovers only.

This commercialized event- originally honoring a few Christian martyrs to later become a folk tradition and day of expressing love- should be shared with any object of one’s love or deep affection.

On Valentines Day commemorate with God, one’s beloved mother, dog, child, or anyone else or thing that applies to what incites the love from within.

Cut Off The Supply


It is understandable that there are women who prefer to breastfeed their child.

It is also reasonable for women to nurture their children naturally months after they are born if they choose to.

However, there is a time to cut the tie and break loose.

By the time the child is able to walk and talk should be far passing the time for them to be “boob-fed”.

I mean really?! Should not there be a limit?

I was under the impression years ago (and I still find it strange) that the supply of breast milk would stop producing a while after the baby was born. I know every woman is different, there are stimulants available, and some women just have abnormalities.

Nevertheless, whenever a six- or seven-year-old is running to receive milk from the breast it is time to run for the hills!


A Fight Till The End!


Ever try to kill a roach? It is the easiest thing to do when you can catch them!

Whether one steps on them, smashes them, or sprays them with Raid bug spray- which is effective.

There are occasions, though, when a roach is not so easy to kill- when they may be occasionally found crawling around inside the sink.

My goodness! These disgusting creatures will fight to the death when one tries to drown and flush them down the drain with water.

Once you think they are gone they resurface with force.

Those suckers are fast! Steady returning to run for their lives every time they get knocked back down into the drain. They even play it cool before attempting to make another run for the hills.

Roaches often come back from cold water. Hot water (not warm) will kill them immediately without having to continuously battle back and forth.

These little fuckers can be exhausting!


A Pain To Ride The Train

I hate to take the train nowadays. I try to avoid the hassle as much as possible.

Between the people who fail to show etiquette that barge, try to lean or push up against, the panhandlers, the performers, the homeless, and all the violence going on- the train is literally a “hell of a ride”.



Working Out A Way

We have to work to pay our bills, eat, acquire our necessities and to maintain the lifestyles we individually live.

Sometimes some of us unfortunately have to spend more time at work than we do at home or with our family.

Oh, how great it would be to work from home or have one’s own very successful business where working for other employers can be totally given up.

All in due time if it is meant to be and we are determined enough.